Doctor / TCM practitioner / Dentist / Physiotherapist / Podiatrist
- Drug Allergy Alert
- Consultation
- Laboratory Data
- Image Viewing and Editing
- Other Parameters
- Questionnarie Management
- Immediate Treatment
- Prescription
- Letters and Certificate Printing
- Drug Label Printing
- Charging Patient
- Vaccination Record
...And more
- Drug Allergy Alert
- Coloured Screen to warn history of drug allergy
- Automatic warning issued if possible drug interaction / cross-hypersensitivity is likely
- Consultation
- Consultation list (with dynamic queuing)
Double click the patient and start the consultation session (note defaulted patient will not show up here)
Note the RED alert signifying patient has drug allergy history
- Review record from past consultations
- Chief Complaint
Input with just 1 click from the pre-defined list, also allows free entry
- Laboratory Data
- Shown in spreadsheet format (as in system of HA), allowing easy comparison across time
- Examination items (e.g. CBP, RFT) can be listed on the receipt on selection
- Image Viewing and Editing
- Support images (JPEG and PNG) so that x-ray images and clinical photos can be stored and retrieved
- Drawing and text insertion can be done in the CMS
Editing without actually altering the original master file
- Integration to clinical note facilitate better documentation that pure wordings
- Other Parameters
- Allows user to enter different parameters into system (e.g. Vital sign such as BP, Pregnancy, Cardiovascular risk, or even lab report)
- Finding tabulated across the visits (e.g. BP, body weight and Hstix trend)
- Questionnarie Management
- Immediate Treatment
- Office Procedure (e.g. Trigger finger injection, analgesia injection, etc)
- Prescription
- Review past prescription record, if repeating previous medication, just double click
- Prescribing new medication? Just double click from drug list
Allergic drug (and its class) will be highlit RED for alertness
- Letters and Certificate Printing
- Print sick leave certificate (sample), attendance certificate (sample), receipt (sample), referral letter....on any laser printer
- Template ready, automatically fill in defined variables (e.g. Name, Age, Sex, Diagnosis, your Management, etc)
- Drug Label Printing
- Print prescription labels on any thermal printer or laser printer
- English or Chinese is selected based on 1 click
- Charging Patient
- Can review charging fee in past consultations
- Pre-defined chargable items with suggested fee (always modifiable)
- Vaccination Record
- Can review previous vaccination and automatically book next scheduled injection appointment
More upcoming features!
Depending on your suggestions, the sytem can be modifed according to your need.
Ad hoc updating when new features are suggested and ready
A excellent clinic software evolving to its perfection.